الأحد، 1 يناير 2012

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year everyone ! and yes it's not late haven't you heard the news ??
"اعلن البابا عدم ثبوت رؤية هلال شهر يناير, وان اليوم هو مكمل لشهر ديسمبر "
via BB

LOL !!

الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2011

Lost In Time !

  Can you Imagine yourself with a memory of 30 seconds ? stuck in the present with no past to remember and No expectation for the future. 2 days ago I watched a video about a man with the most sever case of amnesia (loss of memory). His name is Clive Wearing a talented British musician and conductor. His case was because of a brain infection (Herpes simplex encephalitis). He's not able to recognize his family members, his house, he even can't remember the flavors of food.The only person he recognizes is his wife.Whenever he sees her he believes it's the 1st time in years even though she may have just left to get something form the kitchen. Besides a memory of his wife one of the few thing that have survived is his ability to play the piano. I don't really get it why were these the only things that survived ?
It's such a sad story but It's wonderful how he reacts to his wife. Pure joy and absolute love. 
If you have to choose only one person and one ability for you to remember what would it be ?! (I hate this kind of unanswerable questions)!!

What does it mean to be lost in time ?

 This is a cut segment from a larger documentary on Time titled "BBC - Daytime"

Here's more details about his story by his Wife Deborah Wearing

الخميس، 22 ديسمبر 2011

Canterbury, I Miss YOU!

It's been like a year haven't wrote anything. Maybe I'm not that type of people who like  blogging. or maybe because I'm too busy with my life. Or due too the lack of inspiration. It really doesn't matter because I'm now in the mood for it.

In my last weeks in Canterbury or specifically when Andrea went back to Spain. Canterbury was just like a hell all what I did is waiting for Tuesday and Thursday to catch up with Nessa.She was the only source of life there. I said to myself I'll never miss this place. 3 months were just enough to get me sick of it. I'll never back to UK again. But to be honest Now, I'm missing every single minute there. I'm missing my friends and our routine. I miss Nessa's plans for the weekend! I miss lying on the grass of  Westgate garden,I miss  Dane John Garden and the annoying teenagers who always fight with people and the police LOL! I miss Asda, Cantina, Boho, Azouma, ChumChum, Tacos Locos ( they make the best Chicken tacos I've ever ate). I miss going to Thomas and Parot pub, I miss going to Starbucks and Costa cafe for drinking Mocha (Andrea always called it the dirty water because it tastes like mud lol ) even though we have them in my city and The Mocha and the Frappuccino are more Yummy and delicious than in Canterbury but I still miss the relaxing atmosphere there. I miss going to Nina's grandparents Patisserie (Whitefriars Patisserie) to eat some ice creams (the most delicious ice cream in Canterbury) I miss walking with Nessa in the high street acting like drunks to scare people! I miss the social evenings, the Italians group (VANESSA, VANESSA, VANESSA) and the Spanish girls group with the mushrooms haircut ! :P

I asked myself if I'll go back to Canterbury again would it be the same ? will I have the same enjoyment with different people ?? or It's gonna be difficult to go to the same places do the same routine but with a new group. I do remember the last month I couldn't integrate with the new group except for Anna. Is it because I was homesick and too busy to arrange for Paris trip ? So I didn't have the time or mood to know them well! Is Canterbury a good place without friends? For a girl from the city I'm sure it's not. All shops close at 6 pm except for pubs, and a few restaurants that's a disaster for me. It's very quite at night but It's SAFE. I used to walk home alone (when belly isn't there for me :P) at 2 am. The police cars are everywhere.
I'm sure that I wanna go there one more time for one week. To live in Maggy's house ( my old house Mom) to wake up on her voice saying "HANEEN the breakfast is ready". To eat her delicious scrambled eggs. and to do all the things i used to do there with my friends. It's funny but I feel like it's my 2nd hometown.

The only thing that I don't miss is Penny (the blond lazy arrogant teacher) and my new house mom(Tina). whenever I think of them I thank god that I don't live there LOL!

السبت، 12 فبراير 2011

Medical Student Syndrome

During our medical education, we learn lists of symptoms of various rare diseases. As we read more about these diseases we start to associate each simple sign or symptom we express with these RARE, DANGEROUS diseases.It's like a tax for being medical student :P
For example, my dad has diabetes. He once injured his big toe. His toenail and the surrounding skin has turned black."OMG daddy, it could be gangrene, you must see a doctor before it spreads all over your leg" XD
What?? Don't look at me like that!!  Seriously, diabetic patients are more susceptible to gangrene, I'm just expressing my worries.It's not like I have this case or something!! Ok, ok I have to admit, yes I have a BAAAAAD case of medical student syndrome.

I dignosed myself with diabetes, my best friend with myocardial infraction, and my lil brother with kidney cancer because i saw blood in his urine which isn't blood, it was a red color because of the excessive intake of juice that contained a high precentage of food colouring!! You can imagine the drama I caused in our house lol!! And thank Allah I am not the only one who is suffering, even my friends are too!!

I always experience breast tenderness a week before my period but one time I had severe pain 2 weeks before my period, my friends diagnosed me with breast cancer and they kept asking and pressuring me to see a doctor because if I didn't, I would die!!
  -_-" "Just calm down girls, I always have this tenderness a week before my period "-
"Come on Neen it's been 2 weeks now and it's not your period time!!"-

Razan: "Recently I thought I had CSF leaking from my nose because of a 'brain tumour'. But it was a common cold!"

دارين:"لما اخدنا كيف نقيس حجم الكبد في سنة ثانية, روحت لبابا وطخ طخ في بطنو طلع 14 و الطبيعي 10 قلت لبابا شكلو عندك هيباتيتس او ليفر سروزز روح المستشفى يا بابا وفيلم هندي! قاللي يابنتي انا كان عندي الكبد الوبائي يعني تضخم قديم !! "

نجلاء: "مره كان عندي زي المنطقة محمرة و منفوخه جنب الكلافيكل (عظمة الترقوة) البنات شخصوها على انها انلارجمينت للسيرفايكل لميف نود بس هي كانت مجرد قرصة ناموسه !! " 
If you have a family member studying medicine suffering from this case, pray that you don't go crazy and end up in a mental institution! :P